Capabilities & Specifications - Plating - Painting - Powder Coating - Certified ISO 9001:2015
1515 West Elizabeth Ave, Linden, NJ 07036 | Tel: 908-862-0772 | Fax: 908-862-9477
When a consistent paint thickness is of the highest importance the use of Robotic Spraying is a great option to achieve a complete and even coverage on both the exteriors and interiors configurations of a part. Complex parts can be sprayed consistently with the use of robotics. Paramount Metal Finishing has decades of experience for Robotic Paint Spraying.
Paramount Metal Finishing has the capability of Robotic wet spraying and powder coating of large production programs for the die casting industry, telecommunication, Medical and Military components. With an in-house capability of pretreatment, plating, anodizing and masking combined with our robotic spraying capability Paramount is well suited for complicated and intricate coating programs.
Paramount Metal Finishing is a specialist in high volume Robotic Paint Spraying in wet and powder and is an integrated coating applicator to ASTM, AMS and Military Specifications. We have capabilities to Plate, Anodize, Hard Coat Anodize, Sanchem, Conversion Coat, Paint, Powder Coat and Dry Film Lube in one location.
Robotic Hi-Volume Conveyor Line Spraying for Telecommunications
Spraying Fin Castings
State of the Art Robotic Spraying
Spraying IDs to Tolerance
Capabilities & Specifications - Plating - Painting - Powder Coating - Certified ISO 9001:2015
ITAR Registered
Copyright © 2010 Paramount Metal Finishing